Feature | Review : Charity and donation Joomla template - JA Donate | Joomla Templates and Extensions Provider

Joomla template for charity and donation website - JA Donate supports Joomla donation extension DT donate to provide variety of features for a donation joomla template.

JA Donate - charity and donation Joomla template is available for download. In this blog post, we will discuss the core features of charity Joomla template with screenshots. JA Donate Joomla template supports leading Joomla extension for donation - DT Donate. The donation joomla extension allows donors to donate online, supports 40+ popular payment gateways.

The responsive Joomla template comes with 5 different color themes, the template is easy to customize the layout and themes, thanks to multiple theme colors support and super flexible layout system. JA Donate is based on powerful T3 Framework, Bootstrap3 comes with creative design along with all required pages & functions for a charity and donation website.

 JA Donate charity and donation joomla template

Charity and donation Joomla template - JA Donate

Core features of the responsive charity and donation Joomla template:

  • 5 pre-made themes colors: default, blue, green, orange and red.
  • Support DT Donate - Joomla donation extension.
  • Easy to donate - Support 40+ payment gateways.
  • Amazing blog pages
  • Supports Flexible menu system with Megamenu, Mobile dropdown menu and Off-canvas
  • Built on T3 Framework latest version
  • Integrated Bootstrap 3, Font Awesome 4
  • Fully responsive design
  • Intuitive admin panel: visual layout configuration, megamenu builder, theme config, etc.
  • All default Joomla pages with custom styles
  • Optimized codebase
  • RTL Language Layout

Let's review the features with screenshots of JA Donate Joomla template:

Responsive design

The charity and donation Joomla template is responsive and adapt all devices size based on powerful bootstrap 3 responsive grid system. The template is mobile friendly and supports different responsive design in mobile devices.

JA Donate Responsive charity and donation joomla template

Responsive Joomla template for Charity and donation websites

Support DT Donate Extension

JA Donate template supports fully support DT Donate - Joomla donation extension to complete charity and donation website. The DT Donation extension give options to run online donation campaigns with sponsor, invoice system and many more option to setup a donation system.

DT Donate - Joomla donation extension

Support DT Donation - Joomla donation extension

Support 40+ Payment gatewayss - DT Donation

JA Donate template supports 40+ popular payment gateways of DT Donate Joomla extension that allow donors to pay the donation online .

DT Donate - Joomla donation extension dt donation - payment gateways

Support 40+ Payment gateways - DT Donate

Support amazing blog pages

JA Donate template supports stunning layouts for blog pages that complete a pure charity and donation theme.

JA Donate blog pages

Support amazing blog pages

Support 5 theme colors

JA Donate comes with 5 different themes for different colour options: Default, blue, green, orange, red and it can adapt any charity and donation website easily thanks to multiple colour theme support by T3 framework. Switching theme is super easy within 1 click in the Theme setting panel.

JA Donate support multiple theme color

Multiple theme colors Joomla template

Supports all default Joomla pages

The charity and donation Joomla template comes with specially customized styles for all Joomla default pages. charity and donation Joomla template

JA Donate default Joomla pages

Support all default Joomla pages

Based on powerful T3 Framework

JA Donate template is based on a responsive Joomla framework - T3 Framework with powerful features and ease of customization.

T3 Framework joomla template

T3 Framework Joomla template

Right to left language layout

JA Donate supports the right to left languages that allows you to build a website in special languages: Arab, Persian, etc.

JA Donate RTL joomla template

Supports right to left language layout

Checkout JA Donate live demo

Live Demo  Download